Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
BLOOD REFLUX from Zach Hooper on Vimeo.
This is just a collection of b roll shots from a few days of shooting on location in Aspen & Idaho back country. BrothersFilm producing a 16mm film coming out in fall of 2009.
Were laying out all the 16 right now as of late last night while trying to juggle the 9 to 5. These two movies will be packaged together dubbing it the STIMULUS PACKAGE! One will be a 16mm film short from last year called 31 Days In Alaska. The other !6mm film will be the main movie for 2009.
We will release another 16 edit hopefully over the next couple of weeks showing some biiiiiig ass jumps from CO and of course full of deep chowda powda from all over just the way we like to do it!
Cameos, Mikkel Bang, Hemminger, Bartle, Vito, Mitrani, Takahiro Nakai, DTale, Lougee, Smith, Skyler, Dowell, Caldwell and a few others were keeping under the wraps for now.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
BLOOD from Zach Hooper on Vimeo.
This is just a collection of b roll shots from from a few days of shooting on location in Silverton Colorado. BrothersFilm producing a 16mm film coming out in fall of 2009.
BLOOD Update
Were laying out all the 16 right now as of late last night while trying to juggle the 9 to 5. These two movies will be packaged together dubbing it the STIMULUS PACKAGE! One will be a 16mm film short from last year called 31 Days In Alaska. The other !6mm film will be the main movie for 2009.
We will release another 16 edit hopefully over the next couple of weeks showing some biiiiiig ass jumps from CO and of course full of deep chowda powda from all over just the way we like to do it!
Cameos, Mikkel Bang, Hemminger, Bartle, Vito, Mitrani, Takahiro Nakai, DTale, Lougee, Smith, Skyler, Dowell, Caldwell and a few others were keeping under the wraps for now.
MikeBangBang Aspen, CO